Dúo artistas españoles capaces de crear un concepto totalmente distinto a lo habitual, diferenciadores por su enérgico show y su increíble saxo en directo, capaces de de hacer bailar a todos los públicos con su house elegante unido a un sonido contundente y festivalero. Su versatilidad en el escenario los ha llevado desde África a Centroamérica, siempre con parada obligatoria en Ibiza y Madrid.
Su mágica e impactante puesta en escena ha hecho de su show un reclamo necesario en festivales de renombre como Medusa sunbeach festival, Marenostrum festival o Paellas universitarias.
Este dúo de productores valencianos con varios temas a la venta está sonando semanalmente en las radios más influyentes del país: MÁXIMA Fm y 40 principales.
Todo ello Gracias a sus dos ultimas producciones, NO PARTY y LITTLE INSANE!
A Spanish duet who are able to create a total different idea from the most usual ones, distinguished by their energetic show and their incredible saxo in live. They can make dance all audiences thanks to their elegant house, mixed with a forceful and festival sound. Their versatility on stage has taken them from Africa to Central America, and of course, always with an obligatory stop in Ibiza and Madrid.
Their magic and stunning staging have made of their show a necessary claim in several well-known festivals, such us Medusa Sunbeach festival, Marenostrum festival or Paellas Universitarias (festival organized by Universities in Valencia). This duet of Valencian producers, who have several songs on sale, are sounding weekly in the most influential radios in the counry: Maxima fm and 40 Principales.
All of that is thanks to their two last productions, NO PARTY and LITTLE INSANE.